Mythos Of Life-Line:
At first, this Universe was much like our
Own, until an unamed inventer made devices
That could create new worlds, known as
THE DIVINE ENGINES. after this he created
Angels to govern his worlds by his
Commands, and named himself GOD, Creator of
All. However, one day he simply left, leaving
The angels to deal with resource problems
Across the Universe. due to this, two
Factions of angels were made: The DeepWolves,
(Who wanted to use The Divine Engines to
Create new worlds Full of resources) And
The SkyFoxes, (Who believed that creating
New worlds without God's Command was
Unethical) Because of this conflict on
How The Divine Engines should be used,
A Civil War broke out in Heaven, and
The Blood that was Spilled during the
War pooled in the pits of the earth,
Creating Humans. after the war, the
DeepWolves were sealed in the depths of
Hell. When the Humans created Intersteller
Travel gateways named COSMIC HIGHWAYS,
They sought to reunite the Angels, and
Resolve the resource crisis. to do these tasks,
The Humans Built a Hub of Intersteller Travel,
Known as: THE KINGDOM OF BYHART. and so, Peace
Was Restored. However, a Dark Shadow looms over
Byhart, and will distub That Peace...
So, That's the world of Life-Line.
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